
Osteopathy looks at the horse as a whole, with structure and function essential to one another.  Movement being the key to health. 

Jade Reflection and Renewal is an independent contractor based at Varenna Equestrian

Katie McRory


Katie has a variety of training and experience that comes together to offer a well rounded approach to holistic treatment for the equine, riders and their canine friends. 

Katie worked in the Edmonton area as an Advanced Care Paramedic.  During that time was very passionate about her dogs and their wellness.  Investigating treatments for her aging Doberman, she discovered the effectiveness of Craniosacral Therapy.  She has since completed multiple courses and technique certification through the IAHE.  Wanting to become a more accessible therapist, she obtained her Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) Diploma from MH Viccars.  

Katie also has had a huge love of horses from a small child.  Looking to integrate her passion for animals into her practice, she completed her Animal Osteopathy Diploma with the London College of Animal Osteopathy.  The traditional osteopathic approach strongly complimenting her skill in Craniosacral Therapy.  She loves to work with both the horse and rider, finding primary causes of dysfunction to provide the best treatment possible.        


Contact Katie directly for Equine services

Text/call – 780-292-2797

Email – Jadereflectionandrenewal@gmail.com


Online booking links below for human and canine: 

Varenna Equestrian Location


St Albert Location – No animal services offered here

JRR @ Eye Candy Lash Extensions

Services Offered

Equine Osteopathy

Offered in the Edmonton area.  Contact to discuss other areas.  

Canine Osteopathy

Offered at Varenna Equestrian.

Horse and Rider Evaluation

How the horse and riders dysfunctions interact with each other.

Craniosacral Therapy

Light touch working with the whole body to improve flow  in the central nervous system.  Offered at Varenna Equestrian and Eye Candy Lash Extensions.

Holistic Massage 

A mix of traditional massage techniques, nerve manipulation, craniosacral therapy and visceral manipulation.  Offered at Varenna Equestrian and Eye Candy Lash Extensions

Nerve Manipulation

Focusing on the nervous system and restoring balance.  Offered at Varenna Equestrian and Eye Candy Lash Extensions